Paul wrote, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”
- 2 Timothy 1:5 (NIV)
(I love this photo. My parents at our last family vacation together at South Padre Island Summer 2002)
I wish my mother was here for me to tell her how much I love her. I wish she was here for me to tell her how much I appreciate all she did for me. I wish I could tell her thanks for all the things she did that I never thanked her. I wish she were here so I could thank her for always praying for me, for my husband and for my daughter, her grandchild. I could count on her for that, but I don't think I ever thanked her. I wish she were here so I could thank her for my faith. Without her, and her sharing her faith with me, her love of God and Jesus and what that meant, I may not have had it. Without her living her faith, I may not have seen it. She shared that with others. Without her unconditional love I may not still be here. She was a role model of goodness, kindness, caring, sharing, loving, and friendship. She never spoke an unkind word to anyone or about anyone. She was a good friend to others. She believed in the goodness of the world. She took care of us no matter what the cost. She suffered much pain in her life and yet she moved through it in order to love and take care of the ones she loved. I wish she were here for me to tell her how much I appreciate that. I wish she were here now for me to tell her how much I appreciate all she taught me about cooking and sewing. I wish she were here for me to tell her how much I appreciate her hands making my wedding dress, helping me pick out the fabric, the pattern, and then taking the time to create it just the way I wanted it. She and my grandmother sewed it together with loving hands; with loving hands they sewed on the trim and hemmed the hem. When I put it on, it was beautiful. I was beautiful and they had sewed it with love, just for me. I wish they were here so I could thank them.

(Wedding dress)
I wish my mom were here so I could thank her for every time she tucked me in at night, every meal she cooked when I was growing up, every time she drove me to school, every time she took me shopping for school clothes, every time she cooked hamburgers and took them to horse shows, every time she cheered as I rounded a barrel, every time she gave up something so I could have something, for every sacrifice she made, for every time she called me on the phone, or didn't give me advice I didn't ask for, and every time she supported and loved me no matter what, unconditionally. I wish she were here so I could thank her for teaching me how to love my child unconditionally. Without feeling it, I don't know that I could ever have done it. What a great gift.
(Sharing at Disney World)
(Her wedding day)
I wish she were here so I could thank her for taking care of me when I was sick, for coming to help me when Jolie was born. I wish she were here so I could thank her for every card and note she sent with articles or things she thought I'd like to see or read about.
(Note from mom)
Mom, thanks for looking down on me from heaven and for being there when I get there. Mom, I wish you were here so I could thank you for all the things I forgot or didn't thank you for. I cherish who you were. I admire who you were. I wish you were here so I could thank you for the times you prayed for me for things I didn't know I needed. I wish you were here so I could take you out to dinner today or cook dinner for you, give you a corsage and be with you in church. I wish you were here so I could hold your hand today and tell you I love you and how much I appreciate you.
(Our last Mothers Day 2002 in Elgin)
I wish I had been more appreciative when you was here. I wish I were more like you.
Mom, I love you for all the things you gave me, for all the things you did for me, for all the things that still live in my heart, and for all the memories you created in love.
Happy Mother's Day mom!
Exodus 20:12
New International Version (NIV)
12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
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