Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wildlife in the City Life

Ok, here is a weird thing.  Yesterday afternoon I'm sitting at my computer on the third floor of my office building.  It sits in front of a window.  It was almost 5 pm and I often look out that window as I sit.  There are several buildings outside my window and I see mostly rooftops.  On the roof top, of the 15 foot high building across the street yesterday afternoon was a gray fox strolling along.  There was NO doubt it was a fox, fluffy tail and perky ears.  He was much bigger than a cat and truthfully was nothing like a cat.  I have seen foxes in town before, once running down the street actually right next to this building.  But that was months ago.  I also one in the cemetery once.  She was sun bathing. This one was ambling along from one A/C housing unit across to another one.  I was in shock.  I grabbed my prescription sunglasses so I could see him better and my camera phone.  I was ready for the photo but the fox did not come out from behind the A/C box on top of the building.  In fact, I think he went INTO the A/C. There is no one housed in the office part of that building.   I watched for the fox for another 45 minutes…nothing.  As I looked all around that building, the ONLY way that fox could have gotten up there was to climb a tree.  Do foxclimb trees?  Then he would have to have jumped from small branches of the tree onto the roof.  And they are oak trees at least 12 inches or more in circumference.  And on top of that, WHY would he want to go on top of that building?  Why would a fox be on top of a 15 foot tall building?  Does he have a den in that A/C housing?  Can he get down into the office space?  Is he a SHE?  I started to call someone else housed in that building and tell them about it.  Then I decided to just keep quiet.  I'll just keep watching and see what happens.  So stay tuned.  I mean what if I get to see that fox again?  I'll have my camera phone ready next time.  What if the fox is up there again this afternoon?  What if she does have a den and has pups?  So oh no, I'll never tell on the fox.  It'll be our secret.  Well, I did post it on Facebook!  Does that count?

Encourage one another

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