Friday, October 7, 2011

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz, Oh What a Relief It Is

OK, earlier this week I spoke of missing then relocating my watch...much relief there.
Well, there's been a concern hanging over my head for about 6-7 months now.  In April, the owner of the property and barn where I keep my horse told me he was selling his property.  He and his wife were tired of the country and were going to sell their home and move to town.  I immediately became concerned about losing the place where I board my horse.  Months went by but about a month ago I received the dreaded phone call that he had sold it.  He said he had told the new owner about me and my horse and I'd have to talk to her about what was going to happen.  I asked him to give her my name and call me as soon as possible so I could see what was going to happen.  I never heard from anyone.  This week I had decided to ask for her number and had planned to call her.  On Wednesday I went to ride in the evening after work.     As it turned out, she was at the property when I drove up.  I introduced myself and told her I had been wanting to talk to her.  She said he never gave her the number.  But what she also said was "nothing had to change...he is fine where he is".  She mentioned some things they were going to do to the property, but that he was fine right where he was.  I was so relieved tears came to my eyes.  I told her I was fixing to retire and looking forward to riding more often and hoping I would not lose my place to keep him.  She was really nice and very close to my age.  Once again this week my concern has been relieved.  Another prayer answered.

Encourage one another!

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