"She understands the value of slowing down, enjoying the sunsets, bringing the outside in, feeling a real sense of relaxation in her space. She is laid back but her style is still intentional and beautiful in it's rustic elegance. She has a very natural ease, but her home is not her grandmother's old-fashioned country home. She enjoys giving things a second chance. Things are simple, peaceful and inviting.
Her warm, nature inspired hues blend with brighter contemporary elements for an updated look. She brings what might be normally outside, inside. She knows there's a place for everything and everything in it's place. She brings in graceful elegance. She uses undisturbed calm and irrefutable beauty. She enjoys cool ivories and warm woods. She surrounds herself with things she loves. She is home."
Here's the thing. I believe I can make my house into a home no matter where I am. I believe now, after several moves and leaving behind so much, so many things I loved, that it's not what you have, it's what you make of it. It's not what you have or if you have anything at all, it's what's in your heart. My heart is full. My life is full. God is good.
If there's one thing still missing, it's my horse in my back yard. It's looking out my window and seeing him there grazing, or resting with one foot as he takes a nap, or him hanging his head over the fence waiting for me to come feed him. That's picture perfect. I haven't given up on that. It's not impossible. It's still my dream. And I am still dreaming.

Joel 2:28
[ The Day of the Lord ] “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
Encourage One Another, continuing the journey on fresh paths.
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