Monday, August 11, 2014

Rewrite the Story

Watching "SMASH" reruns this week Karen and her male star boyfriend sang a new song.  It's called "Rewrite the Story".  In the show they're talking about themselves as youth who have grown up in difficult situations they don't feel they can get themselves out of, and about wondering how can they rewrite their stories or change their lives from this point forward.  In the play they are young.  They have their whole adult lives in front of them.  They are asking themselves what can we do to change this...before it's too late.

Have you ever wished you could?  Rewrite your story?  Have you ever looked back at your mistakes, at your unspeakable regrets, unforgivable words you've spoken, unhearable things you've been told, your unbearable pain you've felt?  Have you ever wished you could have a "do over"?

I must say I have.  I have looked back at all those things.  I have on occasion wished I'd done it differently; wished I'd taken a different road, wished I'd made a different decision or said a different thing.

 I've wished I could change an outcome, wished I could change a course, hoped for a different result.
I have hoped for a do over, a one more chance to get it right, knowing it's virtually impossible.

At this point in my life I have but one choice.  I must look forward and move forward.  No looking back will change things.  No turning back will erase the past.  No regret will change your history.  So I've tried to take everyone of those negative or regrettable things and find the good God made of it, find the lesson I learned from it.  I know there were many, lessons.

To change one thing would change another.  To change one thing would most likely have changed the course of my life.  The course has not always been easy.  In fact, it seemed almost unbearable at times. I remember thinking "I can't make it to the other side of this".  However, based on what others have been through, based on the current lives of some of my friends, I'd most often chose my own life over theirs, my own misfortune, my own history or my own pain.  I know truthfully, my life might have been so much more difficult.  So for the road I've traveled, I must be grateful.

Based on the blessings and peace I have in my life now, God has made it all good.  He has cleared the way for an exceptional life down this road.  The sky is the limit.  I hope I proceed, full speed ahead.

And we know that in all things God works for the good ofthose who love himwho have been called according to his purpose.

John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." 

Encourage One Another, continuing the journey on fresh paths.

Blessings and love to you, xoxo.

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