Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Think I've Said It Before

I am an old soul.  My heart just loves things old...old movies, old furniture, old toys, old TV shows, old do-dads, old aprons, old music, old stuff.  Those things just make me smile, make me long for, make me dream of what I could do with stuff if I had it, make me wish I had not gotten rid of stuff I had but got rid of.  My brain just starts trying to get creative.  It's just automatic.  Then I starts drumming up memories and thoughts of when my mother had that or my grandmother used one of those things or where I was when I watched that show when I was little.  I believe it's ok to be an old soul.  It was a quieter time, what seems to be a more peaceful time, a less technical time...  I wish for the old times.

Encourage one another

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