Monday, December 30, 2013

A Cozy Swap

Back in November, one of my blogger friends, Jennifer, of Amusing Provincial...

posted a participatory event called a "cozy swap".  Here's how you play...
"To participate you email me your mailing address and favorite Christmas and or cozy things you love (including color scheme).  For example I love hot chocolate, fuzzy socks, chicken flicks, decorating magazines etc,   in about a week I will give your info to another participant and give you someone's info. By the appointed date you will shop for this persons favorite items spending 25-30 dollars. Then you mail them their gift! I like to include a card with a little about myself too. I hope you can join :) "

Generally, I am not comfortable with purchasing gifts for folks who don't literally pick them out first and tell me what they want.  However, I decided to stretch myself and I decided to play...
Here was my list...

Fun or warm socks
Scents amber and patchouli
Horse anything
Cowgirl stuff
Decor=romantic western or country
Colors turquoise or green 
Vintage anything and vintage Christmas things

(Does this sound like me?)
Here's what I received...

Here is what April told me about my gifts..."I wanted to give you a sampling of some of the homemade items up here in northwest Missouri:).  My sister in law does the scentsy tarts.  Her friend does the goat milk soap.  I make the jewelry.  I know you like horses so the bracelet is from old horse tack.  I also make the snowmen I hope he survived ok:)"
She included some white hot chocolate mix and a bright mug to drink it from; some holiday ho ho ho socks; a cute little red bird clothes pin.
April made this adorable snow girl angel...very sweet.
These cranberry/fig items smell phenomenal!  I love goats milk girl that I am!
This piece April handcrafted.  It says Faith Always and has a precious jeweled cross attached.  It's fabulous.
This piece is my favorite!  It's a piece of horse tack, my guess is part of a bridle, that she made into a cuff.  She stamped "Good Life" on it...the name of my blog.  I will treasure this.  April was amazingly attentive to my favorite things and I could not be happier with my "cozy swap".  That April is a talented gal!

I only hope my "swapee" was as happy with what I sent her and I am with what I received.

Luke 21:4
All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Romans 12:6
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

Encourage One Another, continuing the journey on fresh paths.

Blessings and love to you, xoxo...Happy Trails.

1 comment:

  1. Cool deal! I like that you got to include things you liked/wanted. The ones I have done didn't allow specifics, which isn't always good for a picky person like me.
