Sunday, July 21, 2013

Words From Joel Osteen

Occasionally I watch Joel Osteen.  He was recently on and in Guideposts Magazine (a magazine my mother loved and always ordered for me).  I've been trying to watch Robert Morris at Gateway Church in the Ft Worth area on Sunday mornings.  They have a live broadcast.  However, Robert Morris has been on vacation for several weeks.  He'll return next week, thankfully.  I turned on Joel this morning who was speaking about healthy homes and to husbands and wives.  It was a great message.  It was about husbands and wives honoring each other, building each other up, speaking words of encouragement, appreciation, thankfulness.  Pour in honor.  Approve of your spouse.  Build them up.  Do not push your spouse down.  Be generous and free with your love.  People never get tired of hearing how much you love them.  Compliment your spouse.  Start their day by complimenting them.  Don't compare your spouse to someone else's.  Find the good things in each other, whether small or few, and speaking them out so your spouse hears you love them.  He spoke about listening with your eyes (as well as your ears), looking a each other when you speak, giving your undivided attention so they feel and are heard.  When you talk about the good, you draw out the good.  Focus on and magnify their good qualities.  How husbands treat their wives has a great impact on  how children respect and honor their mother.  Treat your husband how you want a wife to treat your son.  Treat your wife how you would want a husband to treat your daughter.

These are the words that he looked into our eyes and into the camera and said at the end.

**to the husbands**
"Your first mission field is your own family, bless your family, speak a blessing over your family, over your marriage. You are men of valor, men of honor, men who rise up like Solomon and bless their wives, men that make their children a priority, men that speak a blessing over their family.  
**to the wives**
"you are a woman of faith, a woman of honor, a woman who keeps pouring the honor in, I can say Like Solomon, there are many beautiful women in the world, but you excell them all, you radiate strength, beauty, intelligence, dignity, you are one of a kind (I LOVE THAT).  
**to both**
Make sure you are taking care of the gifts God has given you, they are not always going to be here, Be generous with your words, I love you, I'm proud of you, I'm glad that you're in my life, express love on a daily basis." 

While it's too late for me, if your married, or not married yet, and you get a chance to listen to this particular sermon by Joel, Healthy Families, do it.  It could make all the difference.

Ephesians 5:33
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Encourage One Another, continuing the journey on fresh paths.
Blessings and love to you, xoxo
REMEMBER...a blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken!

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